Our recognised expertise serves multiple air transport carriers to comply seamlessly with the API-PNR legislation

Around the world, states are increasingly asking air transport carriers to provide passenger information so they can track who enters and exits their borders.
The project
Streamlane has successfully supported several airlines using Amadeus systems in their implementation of data transmission to various states such as the US, UK, UAE, Saudia Arabia and Qatar. We also provided ongoing support and compliance with evolving PNR regulations.
Similarly, we were appointed by the Luxembourg state airline, Luxair as the PMO Project Management Officer for the airline’s own “PNR push to Gov” system. As PMO, Streamlane managed all phases of PNR implementation with the 17 states Luxair was operating in, including original specification, connectivity and data validation processes.
Customer benefits
The airlines benefited from a proven and specific project management method for the implementation of the API-PNR data transmission to states, thus optimising their time and resources.
All these experiences instigated the platforms we propose today.